Friday, April 25, 2008

Clutter Blindess

I ALWAYS SWORE I would never be one of THOSE wives. Whatever that means! The use of "always", "swore" and "never" should've clued me in that I was headed right for never-neverland.

When we divided up our "who is going to do what around the house" list, it was decided that Iwould be the picker-uper. In general, if it's laying around the house, I pick it up. Sound simple? I wish!!!

I did not agree to pick up half of the things I'm picking up. His shoes that seem to be permanently parked by the front door, despite my best efforts. He leaves mail everywhere -- on the couch, in the kitchen, by the bed. I take that back -- he leaves mail everywhere EXCEPT...the desk. Forget about it if he's received a gift -- pieces of whatever was a part of the gift become instantly scattered around the house. You should see the counter after he makes coffee in the morning -- grounds are everywhere and sometimes there is even splatter on the cabinents. And if it were appropriate for me to discuss more personal matters, I would. Trust me: the man leaves a trail wherever he goes! Argh!

The only solace I've been able to find is to start leaving things out...OUTSIDE! Even though I'm the picker-uper, that only applies to what is inside the house -- that's all I agreed to! Clearly, "outside" of the house is not in my domain -- my domain is "inside." "Outside" belongs on Christophers' list. "Outside" contains dirt, bugs, snakes, critters...and a grill -- clearly a man's domain. I just wish he knew that!

What I thought would be a brilliant strategy has backfired. I've left out chemicals that I specifically asked him to retrieve from the shed because I was too "scared" to go inside said shed. Didn't my terror clue him in that I would need him to put it away? I've left out various tools and tarps -- too sharp or containing too many creatures for me to venture near after I'm finished with the items. And what happens? It all just sits there. Right exactly where I left it. Even to the point of letting it rust, Chris doesn't touch it. I would swear that if there was such a thing that Chris has Clutter Blindness.

Anyway, I always swore I would never be one of those wives who hinted and suggested and beat around the bush. I was also not going to be a witch with a capital "b" who constantly chased after her husband with a honey-do list and a broom stick! I was going to logically state what was on my mind and make firm but never over-bearing requests. I was going to wait in complete patience and silence after having made such requests giving him all of the time and room in the world to complete the tasks I had requested of him. Ha ha ha...

Does blogging about something count as nagging? I hope not! I still don't want to nag, but I've got to figure out a way to keep from having to pick up all that I'm picking up. At this rate, my back is going to give out before we have kids! Maybe blogging is cheating a little...but I'll settle for being a "blogging wife" than a witch or wimp:)

1 comment:

Lori said...

Ahhh...welcome to happily ever after! ;-)