Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I am (sort of) unemployed

Most know that I was laid off January 4th. I am proudly a part of the recession! Except for the part where I'm more than caught up on Ellen, Tyra and Oprah and I want off the "I-have-no-money-train." Apparently, Scott from The Ladders thinks that blogging is one way to get a job, I am.

Honestly, I've taken some chances in the past few months and had opportunities that I never would have if it weren't for losing my job. I'm also learning to look for the opportunity in every situation, to maintain a great attitude and to live in the moment. I wouldn't trade those lessons for the world. I'm not done learning, but I am ready for a new job...really ready!

Oh, here's the "sort of" in my employment status. Currently, I do work for Mad Science of Central Florida and love it! I do after-school programs and birthday parties for them -- approximately 5 - 10 hours a week. I want to stay with them, but I need more work. I've also done promotional work, but it's an unstable industry with a lot of shady characters and need more stability and trust. Lastly, I'm currently helping a doctor sell what's leftover from his former private practice's office. It's awesome work! Obviously though, it's short-term.

What am I looking for? Good question! I really am looking for a one-of-a-kind job, mostly because I'm made for niches. I do best when I'm doing something nobody else can or will do. Here's what I'm sure will be the first of many descriptions of what I'm interested in:

Status and industry: Part-time, probably in the non-profit world
Environment: Professional but informal
Skills: Problem-solving, Training, Networking, Creative thinking, Promoting
Requirements: Work independently, Flexible schedule, Challenging work

Short, sweet and simple description -- more information and perspective will follow. If you have suggestions, I'm open! The only thing I ask is that you give suggestions only -- no advice, nagging or pity...just love and support:)

In the meantime, we're laying new flooring this week in the main room and hallway, so we might as well be laying floors in the whole house! Join me in praying that our marraige and all limbs and necessary body parts will remain in tact through the process:)

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