Monday, May 11, 2009

I digress!

I've been keeping my blog positive and focused on my skills lately to help with the job search. However, today I must digress -- indulge me.

I worked a 4-day promotion back in January and was just paid for it today -- yes, more than 3 months after the job was finished! Furthermore, the paycheck was short by $62 and change and didn't include a reimbursement for personal monies that I laid out for the event. I called the guy who hired me, no response. I emailed him, no response. Don't get me wrong -- he will pay! There's also a lot more to the story, but it's not worth repeating here.

I'm writing about it because looking for and getting jobs is hard enough, not to mention actually working! Encountering scum like this guy makes me paranoid and a bit shy about working for anyone. Actually, I most amazed at the fact that this guy does work at all! How does he get anyone to trust him on an ongoing basis? Or maybe that's how he survives -- continually looking for new customers and employees. Anyway, having my teeth kicked in today in the form of a short paycheck was not what I needed to move forward with my own job search.

Don't worry about me though: I'll fight for what's owed to me and I will get paid. I will also find more work and I will work again. This is all a good reminder to me to keep on my toes and not be shy about asking hard questions of employers without being overly hard of course. There are some great employers out there, but you just never know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I’m sorry for your unsavory experience with the unethical employer. It would be great if everyone went by the rules and acted admirably but unfortunately we don’t live in that world. I wish you well on recovering what you are owed. Hopefully your efforts to recover your losses will be minimal.