Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Personal Mission Statement: Rough Draft

I thought that yesterday was Monday all day until I woke up this morning. I don't care so much about missing out on a Tuesday as I do feeling like I missed out on an entire 24 hour period of time. It's time for more structure in my life!

Along those lines, I thought I'd take a crack at developing my own personal mission statement. The only thing I'm sure about right now is that I want to reinvent myself in 2009. I feel fairly sure that that means I'll be in working in a new job field, but which one? This Internet age we live in means that, unfortunately, the world really is my oyster -- it's easy to become overwhelmed with options! So I think a personal mission statement will help.

I'm only aiming for a rough draft today -- I'll refine it as time goes by -- would love your input too!

My Personal Mission Statement

I want to engage in work that makes a meaningful difference in the world, solving complex problems involving people and relationships that others are unable to solve. I want opportunities to use my enthusiasm, creative ideas, keen intuition and independent spirit to navigate difficult terrain in places where others easily give up.

I'm sure that I'll refine, add and subtract as time goes by. Hopefully though, even in the short term, it will help provide some structure and direction in my life and in my job-search.

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